
работы над учебным проектом по английскому языку в 6 А классе

Тема проекта: Любимые книги и литературные герои.

Руководитель проекта: Конюшкевич Е.Д.

Тип проекта: Творческий, ролевой.

Состав проектной группы: учебная группа английского языка 6 А класса.

Цели проекта:

  • образовательная: вовлечение каждого учащегося в активный познавательный процесс в ходе чтения произведений английской литературы, исследований текста и созданий сценария; совершенствование речевых умений учащихся.
  • воспитательная: воспитание положительных качеств характера на примерах из художественной литературы; воспитание чувства ответственности и умения работать в коллективе.
  • развивающая, развитие интереса к изучению английского языка через чтение произведений на английском языке, развитие творческих способностей учащихся.

Задачи проекта:

  • обучение учащихся познавательной деятельности с помощью английского языка;
  • развитие критического мышления через чтение и письмо;
  • формирование умения проектировать, мыслить на английском языке;
  • развитие творческих способностей, умения выступать перед публикой.

График работы над проектом:

1 .Погружение в проект (сентябрь, октябрь)

Определение темы, целей и задач, типа проекта, количества участников, выбор произведений для внеклассного чтения, выбор рабочей группы

2.Организация деятельности (ноябрь)

Формирование состава групп. Распределение роли в группах. Осуществление планирования работы в группах. Выбор формы презентации результатов. Консультации. Обсуждение прочитанного. Начала работы над сценарием.

3. Осуществление деятельности (декабрь, январь)

Выполнение проекта. Консультации с учителем.

Промежуточные обсуждения фрагментов сценария. Разработка эскизов костюмов, распределение ролей, репетиции.

4. Защита проекта (февраль)

Изготовление костюмов, репетиции. Подготовка декораций.

Презентация проекта в виде инсценировки в рамках недели английского языка.

Анализ достигнутых результатов, причин успехов и неудач, обобщение полученных результатов.



Продукт проекта: спектакль на английском языке.



People in the play

A script by Лазутина Анастасия and

Мамедов Озхан


Dorothy - Золотарь Карина, Кушеварова Юлия

Scarecrow - Мамедов Озхан, Черепанов Сергей

Tin Man - Каменев Данил,

Кириллов Фёдор

Cowardly Lion - Степанов Александр, Пеликанов Михаил

The Wizard of Oz - Степанова Александра, Лазутина Анастасия, Степанова Вика

Scenery and costumes by

Пеликанов Михаил, Иванова Маша, Золотарь Карина, Кушеварова Юлия, Степанова Александра



Scene 1.

Dorothy Meets the Scarecrow

D: Who are you?

S: I am a scarecrow

D: We have scarecrows in Kansas too . They scare the crows and stop them eating the corn. But our scarecrows don't talk.

S: I don't talk much. I'm standing here because I can't get down. The crows are not scared of me. They have brains and I don't.

D: Oh dear. Perhaps I can help you?

S: What is your name, my dear? Where are you going?

D: My name is Dorothy. I'm going to the Emerald city to see the Great Wizard of Oz. I want to go home to Kansas.

S:The Emerald city? The Wizard of Oz? Kansas? I don't know anything about these things because I have no brains. My head is stuffed with straw.

D: Well, Kansas is my home .The Wizard of Oz lives in the Emerald city. He is very clever and powerful.

S: Do you think that Oz would give me some brains?

D: I don't know. Why don't you come with me?

S: Thank you. That's a good idea.

D: Don't be afraid .of Toto. He won't bite you.

S: I am afraid of only one thing.

D: What is that?

S: Fire




Scene 2

Dorothy Helps the Tin Man


D: Who's that?

S: It's a man but he is made of tin! Look! The Tin Man has an axe in his hands, but he can't move at all.

D: Can I help you?

T.M: I hope so. I'm a woodman. I was working here when it rained. My joints rusted and I couldn't move. My oil can is in my house. Please get it for me.

(She is pouring oil over the Tin Man's joints. The Tin Man moves his neck, then he moves his arms. Last of all, he moved his legs).

T.M: That's much better. I have not been able to move for a year and my axe is very heavy. Not many people come this way. Where are you going?

D: We are going to the Emerald City, to see the great Oz. I want to go home to Kansas with Toto, my dog.

T.M: I have no heart. Could Oz give me a heart?

D: Why don't you come with us and find out?

T.M: Thank you, I will. Please put my oil can in your basket. I will need it if it rains.





Scene 3

The Cowardly Lion


D: How big is this forest? Are we far from the Emerald City?

T.M: I don't know. There may be wild animals living here, but don't worry. Animals don't eat straw or tin.

You are made of flesh, but you are safe because the good Witch has kissed you.

D: But what about my dog Toto?

( The Lion turns up and tries to bite Toto)

No, no! How dare you! You coward! How dare you bite a poor little dog!

C.L: I didn't bite him. I only opened my mouth. I am a coward and

I'm afraid of everything. When I roar, my heart beats very fast because I have no courage.

T.M: At least you have a heart. I don't. I'm going to ask the Wizard of Oz for one.

S: You have brains too. I don't. But I'm going to ask the Wizard of Oz for some.

D: Toto and I want to go home to Kansas. I'm going to ask Oz to help us get back there.

C.L: Do you think that Oz can give me courage?

D: The Wizard of Oz is very powerful. You are welcome to come with us and ask him.

C.L: I can kill an animal for you. Then you can cook it on the fire.

T.M: I think that is wrong to kill anything. But as I have no heart, I am not sure.





Scene 4


Gr.G: Oz does not usually see people. But the soldier told him about your Silver Shoes. The Great Oz was very interested. He will see you now, in his Throne Room.

W: I am Oz, the Great and the Terrible. Who are you?

D: I'm Dorothy, the Small and the Quiet.

W: Where did you get those Silver Shoes?

D: From the Wicked Witch of the East. My house fell on her and killed her.

W:The Good Witch of the North has kissed you. I can see her mark.

D:Yes, then she sent me to you, Great Oz.

W: You have had a long journey. Why are you here? What do you want me to do?

D: Please send me back to my Aunt Em and Uncle Henry in Kansas. You have a beautiful country, but it is not my home.(l have been away from Kansas for so long). I do want to go home!

W: Why do you need my help? You killed the Wicked Witch of the east all by yourself. D: That was a mistake.

W: I see. Well, I will help you. But you must also help me.

D: What can I do for you?

W: You must kill the Wicked Witch of the West.

S: Who are you?

G.W: I am Oz, the Great and the Terrible. Who are you? And why are you here?

S: I am a Scarecrow, I am stuffed with straw. I would like to have brains in my head, instead of straw. G.W: I can give you brains. I am the Great Oz and I can do anything. But first you must do something for me. I want youto kill the Wicked Witch of the West.


H.A: I am Oz, the Great and the Terrible. Who are you and why are you here?

T.M: I am a woodman. As you can see, I am made of tin and so I have no heart. Please give me a heart, Great Oz. Then I can love and be happy.

H.A: First you must kill the Wicked Witch of the West. Then I will give you a heart.

B.F: I am Oz, the Great and the Terrible. Who are you and why are you here?

C.L: I'm the Cowardly Lion and I'm always afraid. Please give me courage so I can be King of the animals.

B.F: When the Wicked Witch of the West is dead, I will give you courage. What do you think of that?

D. What can we do now?

C.L: We must find the Wicked Witch and kill her. If we don't, I will never have courage.

S. And I will never have brains.

Т. M. And I will never have a heart.

D. And I will never see Aunt Em and Uncle Henry again.