Проект "Любимые книги и литературные герои", 7 класс.
работы над учебным проектом по английскому языку в 7 А классе
Тема проекта: Любимые книги и литературные герои.
Руководитель проекта: Конюшкевич Е.Д.
Тип проекта: Творческий, ролевой.
Состав проектной группы: учебная группа английского языка 7 А класса.
Цели проекта:
- образовательная, вовлечение каждого учащегося в активный познавательный процесс в ходе чтения произведений английской литературы, исследования текста и созданий) сценария; совершенствование речевых умений учащихся.
- воспитательная: воспитание положительных качеств характера на примерах из художественной литературы; воспитание чувства ответственности и умения работать в коллективе.
- развивающая: развитие интереса к изучению английского языка через чтение произведений на английском языке, развитие творческих способностей учащихся.
Задачи проекта:
1 .Погружение в проект (сентябрь, октябрь) |
Определение темы, целей и задач, типа проекта, количества участников, выбор произведений для внеклассного чтения, выбор рабочей группы |
2.Организация деятельности (ноябрь) |
Формирование состава групп. Распределение роли в группах. Осуществление планирования работы в группах. Выбор формы презентации результатов. Консультации. Обсуждение прочитанного. Начала работы над сценарием. |
3. Осуществление деятельности (декабрь, январь) |
Выполнение проекта. Консультации с учителем. Промежуточные обсуждения фрагментов сценария. Разработка эскизов костюмов, распределение ролей, репетиции. |
4.Защита проекта (февраль) |
Изготовление костюмов, репетиции. Подготовка декораций. Презентация проекта в виде инсценировки в рамках недели английского языка. Анализ достигнутых результатов, причин успехов и неудач, обобщение полученных результатов. |
Scene 1
Robin's going to Nottingham to take a part in the archery contest
People in this scene
Robin Hood- Никита Стацевич Robin's father- Артем Мягков Maid Marian- Анна Ерофеева
Robin Hood
Scene 1
In Robin Hood's native house Cin the small town of locksley near nottinghamshire)
Robin: Father, please let me go to Nottingham. I am old enough to enter the contest and I am the best archer in Locksley. I can hit a target at 500 paces. I am sure that I can win.
Robin's father: You are a very good archer, my boy. But the King and the Sheriff want archers for their wars. Don't go Robin. Stay in Locksley and be a farmer. It's not a bad life.
Robin: But I want to see the world. I have never been to Nottingham. I may win 100 golden crowns. With that money we can buy more land. And ... then I ask Marian to marry me!
Robin's father: You may win the contest, but Marian's family still won't let you marry her. They want their daughter to marry a knight, not a farmer.
Marian: Yes, my parents want me to marry a knight, but I love Robin and I want to marry him.
Robin: And your father was a knight. He owned land in Huntington and around Locksley.
Robin's father: That was over 20 years ago. The Sheriff took most of our land. Now we are poor and no one can take any more from us.
Robin: We are poor but honest. I am sure that Marian will marry me for love.
Robin's father: Do not talk about love or honesty! There is no love or honesty in England. The rich make laws, the poor pay taxes.
Robin: Father, I must go to Nottingham! I will win the Sheriff's money. Perhaps Marian will not marry me, but at least we will not be poor anymore. Robin's father: Then go! Go with God and may He protect you. Do not stop on the way.
Scene 2
Archery contest in Nottingham
People in this scene
Robin Hood /The beggar- Никита Стацевич
The Sheriff- Андрей Конюшкевич
Steward- Алексей Кошманов
William of London- Артем Мягков
Gilbert Red Cup- Владислав Гурский
Scene 2
In Nottingham
Sheriff: This year we will have a special harvest festival. We will have an archery contest. Prince John will give a special prize- an arrow made from gold. In the crowd
Robin: A golden arrow is a good prize! But I know why the Sheriff is having this contest. It's a trap! He is expecting me to come so that he can catch me and hang me.
In Nottingham
Sheriff: Watch out for Robin. Many of you have seen him and heard him speak. Steward: Well, he is a tall, fair man. He is a brave outlaw. I am sure he will come to the archery contest. He will try to disguise himself, but we will know him.
On the Day of the Contest
Sheriff: All men who wish to enter the contest may shoot an arrow, but only 3 best men can enter the final!
A hundred men take turns to shoot an arrow at the target, but only 12 best men hit inside the bull's eye.
Sheriff: Find out the names of the strangers.
Steward: Robin Hood will not tell us his name. But we know he is tall and fair. There is one tall, fair-haired man among these 3 archers. I will try to find out his name.
Sheriff: In the final round The 3 best archers will shoot one arrow each at a target that is 360 paces away. Let the final round begin.
William of London steps forward.
Sheriff: He is strange-looking man. What is his name?
Steward: I'm sure that he is Robin Hood. His name is William of London. He won't escape us this time!
William of London shoots.
Sheriff: A good shot, William. But my champion can do better.
The crowd: Hurrah for Gilbert!
Gilbert steps forward.
Gilbert: I am the Sheriffs champion. I am sure that I will win.
Gilbert shoots.
Sheriff: Well done! My champion has won. He is better than Robin Hood! The beggar steps forward.
Sheriff: I am sure that he cannot shoot straight with only one eye and a bent back. The beggar shoots.
Suddenly something strange had happened.
Steward: Look! Beggar's arrow has broken Gilbert's!
Sheriff: Come forward. I need archers. I invite you to join my army.
The beggar: I say no, sir. For I am my own man.
Sheriff gives a golden arrow to the beggar.
Sheriff: You are a very rude beggar!
The beggar turns and disappears in the crowd.
In the Sheriff's Castle
Sheriff: I was expecting Robin to come to the contest.
Suddenly an arrow hits the castle's wooden ceiling.
Steward: It came through the window. There is a piece of paper tied to it. Sheriff: Quick, give it to me.
The Sheriff's face turns red...
Scene 3
Fair Ellen's wedding
People in this scene
Robin Hood- Никита Стацевич
Allan a Dale- Ольга Яковлева
Lord Bishop- Артем Мягков
Sir Stephen- Владислав Гурский
Fair Ellen- Ануш Саркисян
Fair Ellen's mother- Штанникова Наталья
In Sherwood Forest
Allan a Dale: Ellen is going to marry Sir Stephen at the church in Rotherdale. Ellen's father owes him 2000 dollars. Sir Stephen has promised to forget the debt if he can marry Ellen.
Robin: We must go to the wedding. [We will go to the church at Rotherdale.]
At the Village of Rotherdale
Robin and other men arrive there. Soon Sir Stephen, Lord Bishop and their soldiers come along the road.
Robin: Wait, my Lord Bishop! I am a minstrel. I can play music for you after the wedding.
Lord Bishop: Then let me hear how well you play.
Robin: No, my lord, I cannot do that. I will play only for the bride.
Lord Bishop: You are a very rude man. After the wedding you will be whipped for your rudeness.
Sir Stephen: Stand aside, the bride is coming!
Fair Ellen and her father come towards the church
Robin: Why does an old man like you want to marry a beautiful young girl like Fair
Sir Stephen: Who is this rude minstrel? How dare he speak to me like this!
Allan a Dale: I am sony, but Fair Ellen cannot marry this old knight. Fair Ellen is already engaged to me.
Allan a Dale steps forward and bows to Ellen and her father
Sir Stephen: You must choose. Do you wish your daughter to marry a knight, or an outlaw?
Ellen's mother: My daughter must marry a knight. She will marry you, Sir Stephen, as we agreed.
Ellen: No Mother. I want to marry Allan a Dale. He is the man I love - not Sir Stephen.
Ellen's mother: Be silent daughter. You know why you have to marry Sir Stephen - your father owes him 200 crowns
Robin: Bring the money for Sir Stephen. In these bags are 200 crowns.
Sir Stephen: I will not argue with outlaws. I have my money so you can keep the
Sir Stephen turns his horse and ride away
Robin: Let's have a wedding feast.